Tips for freshers

Explore what you would want to pursue after your graduation.  In the first year, there is ample time to explore different paths. If you are interested in  branch change , then focusing solely on it might be a good option too. CPI matters a lot.  You should have a CPI of at least 8. Whatever happens, you should not let it go below 8, and in the worse case below 7. It's not like this should be your goal for the four years here, but just that you should maintain a good CPI, it helps you a LOT. Attend classes and tutorials.  It becomes a lot easier to get a good CPI if you are regular to classes. Sometimes a professor may suddenly fail students having attendance below 75% to create an example for the future batches, so it's always better to attend classes even after knowing professors past behavior. Play a sport or join a club or one of the fests . Explore different clubs but join only one, this is my opinion, you are free to decide for yourself. Join a fest, if you...

Sophomore summer internship

I interned for two months during summer ‘17 in a startup called Logic Square Technologies in Kolkata.

There were two reasons why this internship attracted me, first of, I wanted to do the internship while staying at my home city and at the same time having the experience of working at an office.
Second is of course the stipend. This was one of the highest paying internships in Kolkata in software development.

I applied around March through Internshala. I had to make a CV in Internshala itself and answer a few questions set by the startup. Once that was done, I received an email regarding an on-call interview to be held with the startup’s co-founder. I was asked about the work I had done in open-source and basics about Django and JavaScript. Then he asked me to code some simple programs in any language I was comfortable with, using one of the live screen sharing sites.

After a couple of hours, I received a small project to be done in any react framework. I chose VueJS because I was working with Vue in my FOSS contribution. I submitted it and then after a few days I received the joining email stating my stipend and the internship duration.

I worked on two projects, one was based on Django and the other in Ionic framework. The co-founder was quite flexible. If he got the work then he had no problem with me working from home during some days of the week. There were sometimes problem caused on the client projects because of communication gap between both sides, but it was a good learning experience and I witnessed how things worked in this domain of software development. I was the junior-most there and the only sophomore.

There were some talented minds in the startup specializing in different frameworks. They mostly work on projects in MEAN stack and its related frameworks. The workload is normal, I never had an over-exhaustive day, I was able to do plenty of things in non-office hours. It’s a good place to spend a couple of months while also keeping your interests on track.


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