Tips for freshers

Explore what you would want to pursue after your graduation.  In the first year, there is ample time to explore different paths. If you are interested in  branch change , then focusing solely on it might be a good option too. CPI matters a lot.  You should have a CPI of at least 8. Whatever happens, you should not let it go below 8, and in the worse case below 7. It's not like this should be your goal for the four years here, but just that you should maintain a good CPI, it helps you a LOT. Attend classes and tutorials.  It becomes a lot easier to get a good CPI if you are regular to classes. Sometimes a professor may suddenly fail students having attendance below 75% to create an example for the future batches, so it's always better to attend classes even after knowing professors past behavior. Play a sport or join a club or one of the fests . Explore different clubs but join only one, this is my opinion, you are free to decide for yourself. Join a fest, if you...

How is this branch?

I can’t answer this question. How good is a branch can only be decided by your interests. But if you are open to everything here is a glimpse of the four years out of that branch.

Computer Science and Engineering- The most sought after branch. Nobody wants to know anything about this, if they get it, they take it, as simple as that.

Mathematics and Computing- This is a 21st century branch. It is a mixture of Maths, computer and a pinch of economics. It has academic pressure because of the Mathematics part. Placements are usually directed towards the Finance or Consulting corporations. Small batch of students, about 45. If you are quite doubtful about your Mathematics, its better if you take a look at other options.

Electronics and Communication Engineering- Not offered in all IITs, so its importance rises. Less academic pressure compared to conventional Electrical Engineering. Placements are good.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering- As the name suggests it’s the combination of these two individual branch’s. It has more academic load compared to ECE. Placements are similar to ECE. This branch also has only 45 students.

Mechanical Engineering- Less academic load. One of the oldest branch of IIT-G.
The course syllabi of every semester-

Chemical Engineering- This branch has a very wide implementation in current world scenario. Almost all the companies need a chemical engineer. This branch doesn’t mean you are going to study chemistry, its nowhere close to that, it has many common courses with mechanical engineering. Placements are also good.

Civil Engineering- Nothing new on this. Its better if you ask a civil engineer himself, the course wouldn’t have changed much.

The course syllabi of every semester-

For syllabus of other branch's-

Furthermore, It is the most liberal iit in terms of branch change, it permits a change of 10% of the branch strength, which is by far the maximum in any iit.

For any query comment below.

More will be updated soon.


  1. Primary reason I'm choosing IIT-G is its climate. It's very hot here in Kanpur primarily due to heat wave since recent years. Is it true that IIT-G has one the best research promoting environment compared to similarly ranked colleges (e.g. BHU, Hyderabad, etc)?


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